Poorly designed, you have to sign in every time, it avoids its use
I got this app to use for paying for childcare, I use this app on a Samsung.. when I try to use any options in billing it says they are adding features and to use a desktop. It has been saying that for the past 5 months now..? Are actually going to add those features? Cause I'll delete the app if not.
The app has been great to give some visibilities of what the children experiences at school. Only thing was I would have liked to have the option to save images/media.
Logs out all the time. Uses lots of phone resources for a simple app.
Its very annoying that you have to login every day to the app, they need to include automatic login, Other than than the app is good. ---_-- Thanks a lot for your response. This helps alot!!!!!!
Works for what I need it to do (check in/out). Edit: Figured out how to get it to remember signin.
Horrible. The Kindertales experience was poor enough that we reassessed our daycare options. We left that provider.
Poorly designed, lots of features don't work on the app and you have to use the desktop version (defeats the purpose of even having an app).
Can't save or zoom in on picture on the app - "it's a security feature" says the developer - yet you can login via your browser on the same phone and save them, it's just less convenient for parents and zero impact to security. The reality is they couldn't figure out how (or just forgot) to implement the feature and are lying and claiming it's a security feature. Garbage app, development team appears to be stuck in the 90s, looks worse than an MS-DOS application.
This app won't keep me logged in, which is annoying. It also dispurses photos to a daily activity feed that's clogged up by other updates, which I'm sure are incorrect (and I imagine attributable to a clumsy interface on the app the teachers are using). The worst part is that I can't zoom in or save pictures now so I feel like this app is a huge loss. As a parent there is no added value v the previous app my provider used, and specifically a significant lost value.